It’s my birthday!

Today is “free mocha breve day” for me at Starbucks, aka my birthday.  The only one so far that has been difficult for me was 29 – because next was 30.  Well, this one is 59, and it feels kinda’ like 29 did.  What – 60?

Yesterday morning, traffic stopped for the only school bus stop that’s on my way to work. We waited. Finally, a young and stout boy in a red shirt came running out of his house toward the bus doors. I smiled, no one was honky or appearing inpatient. I thought, “Slow down, life goes fast enough. Don’t rush.”

Five minutes later, traffic was again stopped, for what turned out to be a two-car rear-end collision.  No one appeared injured, but it looked like a hard hit.  A very bad day for someone.

That’s how it is over the course of a day, over the course of a lifetime.  Not everyone has the privilege of growing old.  Let us be grateful for it all, each moment we are here to witness – good or bad, happy or sad.

I’ve lived in Raleigh now for 32 years, been at my job for near 29 years, and lived in my house 19 years now.  It amazes me.

I love my family beyond measure.  Anyone who knows me knows that.

I am also very grateful for all the friends over all my years, growing up and growing old(er) with so many people who’ve been woven into my life in so many different ways.  There are a handful of people I have worked with every day for 29 years.  A lifetime, my lifetime.  I shout out a very loud hello to all near and far, but always present in my story of how I got to this moment.

All we have is what share.  I hope we are all here in another year, still learning and growing, together.  Blessings to all of us.

Flow and Franzia at Bliss Body Yoga

Bliss Body Yoga
Michelle and I

A friend invited me to join her for a fun yoga class at a lovely little yoga studio off Lake Boone Trail.  It was my first time at Bliss Body Yoga, and my first yoga class in quite some time.  The class was presented as Flow and Franzia.  The Franzia is just there for the alliteration.  We actually had bottled wine.  (Nothing against boxed wine.)

There were eight of us, and our instructor was Jordyn Matthews.  Jordyn focused on balancing poses, so we actually tried to hold off on too much wine until after class.  Though I’ve only had a couple flow classes ever, downward dog seems a part of any flow class. So it was lots of downward dog, surrounded by lots of plank, several warrior poses, some eagle, some pigeon, several new-to-me poses whose names I can’t recall and one over-backwards pose I didn’t attempt.  While challenging, all the poses felt good.  Jordyn focused on the community in the studio; the sharing of energy among us.

Yoga class
Flow and Franzia class

To that end, she had us place our mats in a circle.  Several times, she had us come out of eagle pose by touching hands and connecting the circle, supporting one another.  It was a good class. I am grateful to Michelle for the invite.  After class, neighboring restaurant The Oak brought over a couple of lovely bites for us.  We filled our glasses with wine, took our bites and sat on our yoga mats.  Continuing the sense of community Jordyn fostered, we sat, ate, sipped wine and shared stories.  Most of the yoga classes I’ve taken over the years have been the traditional quiet in and quiet out with but gentle nods shared among each other.  It was lovely to be able to sit a spell and know for a moment the neighbor on the yoga mat next to mine.

Bull City Nihilism

When I was looking for used albums today at Bull City Records, I picked up a new one. Dick Diver was playing and seemed to have a little Lou Reed vibe with his voice and some of the guitar. The dude at Bull City said they were a band out of Australia. This is their third album, but the first one available in the states.

My visit to peruse some vinyl was an effort to connect with myself. We have to keep nurturing our souls with the things we love, like music on vinyl, because when we don’t everything starts to feel blah and empty and then my God we become nihilists or at the least face anhedonia. Then we forget who we are.  Where have I been?

And writing. Which is why I’m finally back to my blog. And walking my dog. And oh my, I’m gonna flip over the album and then make me a tomato and onion sandwich and a glass of fresh lemonade. Or maybe I’ll ease into all that purpose and pleasure.

Bull City Records

Pho Pho Pho

My second time at Pho Pho Pho on Glenwood in downtown Raleigh. I recall how healing the Pho Chay Soup felt last time. I need a dose of pick me up and set me right. I’m hoping for the same result this time. The sauces are great, but I get so excited that I make the broth super hot before I realize it.

That’s the healing part though, right!

Rainy Sunday

Little Luna enjoyed some errands and a trip to Phydeaux earlier, but now we’re just chilling inside on this rainy Sunday. This is a favorite spot for her to while away the time. She has a perfect view to watch Lulu and Tucker kitties chasing each other around the living room.

Reason Reliquary

I didn’t realize that I hadn’t posted a photo of the beautiful reliquary I designed after Reason passed away several years ago with local artist Wendy Pitillo-Rae.  It represents how Reason was the stars, the sun and the moon to me — my whole world. The stone is an aquamarine, her birth stone. She was born on the first day of Spring. Some of her hair is under the glass.  It was a wonderful experience creating it, and I cherish it.


I am totally thrilled for Dos Taquitos’ little sister to open in The Creamery building where I work. Glenwood South needs a couple more fun spots that aren’t merely for weekend drinking binges. Not that their margaritas aren’t just about the best, but the food is great, too. Can’t wait.

Itty Bitty

Itty Bitties are always such happy cupcakes. I see them at Helios on my morning coffee stop. There they sit, all prim and proper under their glass dome of protection, smiling up at me. And they are so friendly.

“Have a great day!”

“You’re a wonderful person.”

“Life is good.”

They were delicious before I even tasted one. But today was the day. I joyously asked barista Hide for one of the chocolate Itty Bitties with vanilla buttercream icing. He removed the lid with gentle precision and invited me to make my selection. I chose the happiest little Itty Bitty on the plate. A daisy dotted the very center.

I saved it for after lunch of course. You can’t have too much fun too early in the day. Every bite was delight, and a wonderful relationship developed. I love you Itty Bitty! =O)